laowai days

Tales of an American college girl in Beijing

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Today was the first day of class. We started at eight and were done by noon, but there's no getting around it: that's a lot of Chinese. Some highlights:

Teacher: In winter, we celebrate ...
Emily: Overcoat!

Teacher: When she opened the door, she was ...
Emily: A vegetarian! (Chi su, rather than chi jing.)

On the whole I thought it went very well. I had Liu laoshi for conversation drills, and she's very nice; she was one of my group's tour guides when we had the tour of the school and neighborhood.

Certain people have expressed concern that I am

1) Going to get fat
2) Not going out enough.

In regard to the first concern, I think it unlikely. I am getting better at ordering, and am finding a lot of very nice dishes that do not contain pork. Moreover, I joined the gym yesterday, so starting today I can exercise to my heart's content.

As for the second, I go out all the time - I go out for every meal, after all. I'm meeting a good number of very nice people and we have a nice time together, pointing at things and laughing, talking about whatever we are doing at that moment like toddlers, and so on. I just haven't been to San Li Tuanr (the bar district), preferring to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I'm having fun, I'm going out, but I'm not much of a lass for the night life these days.


At 7:58 AM, Blogger Bill said...

Who thinks you are going to get fat? You don't see too many fat Chinese people, and a diet of fishheads and cow stomach does not seem calculated to pack on the pounds.


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