Race Against Time
Three weeks left and the clock is ticking ... I am running out of deoderant. Lili left me a tube when she went back to the States. It is the brand which claims to be "So effective you could skip a day." I do not quite know how to take this. Are they telling me not to shower? I asked one of my teachers where I could buy deoderant and she said the grocery across the street would have it. She told me the brand name but it was long and I only remembered part of it. Still, I managed to find an object that had several of the characters she'd mentioned and bought it. I took it home and, after removing the foil seal, found an object more like a bright yellow flan than anything else. How to apply it? On my finger? Also, it smelled incredibly strong - it smelled up the whole room.
It was air-freshener.
So I tried again. I swallowed my pride and asked one of the women who work in the cosmetics department where I could find "the thing you put under your arms so you don't stink." She laughed and led me to the product I was after, assuring me that I would not stink at all, and it would be great. I bought it and brought it home. On the outside was a picture of a baby, and although babies don't use deoderant, this is China, where packaging does not necessarily relate to content. In this case, however, it did - it was baby powder. "Snake Gall" baby powder, no less - what does that mean? Is it made of snake gall or is that just the brand name? I do not know, but I worry.
It goes without saying that baby powder is not deoderant, but my options are slim. I use the baby powder, which, combined with my lavendar-scented moisturizer, makes me smell like an old lady. Moreover, everything I own and everything my roommate owns are now covered in baby powder forever, in much the same way that a well-timed glitter bomb could eliminate civilization as we know it.
So there is, as we say in Chinese, no banfa. I will simply have to make do with what I have. And anyway, I still have the air freshener.
Do the Snake Gall people make other products? I don't know what could be funnier than Snake Gall baby powder, but I'm sure there are other items in their line that would also be hilarous.
You could always just carry the air freshener around with you and uncap it whenever you were in an enclosed space or close proximity to people whom you cared whether they would be offened by your natural odor (although it's not like you would actually be going without bathing, which would indeed pose a problem, unless you affect some indeterminate European accent, at which point people would say, 'ah ha; she's French/German/Austrian/whatever', and you'd be excused thereafter).
As for myself, I just wonder if snake gall is the most effective baby powder. Baby snakes are eggs, after all. Maybe some rabbit gall baby powder would be better. Are there other types of gall used in baby powder preparations? You owe it to yourself to find out.
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